Sunday, April 21, 2019

Some Truths


I love fucking my sister from behind but seeing her face from the front. That’s the beauty of cameras, allowing me to see both views.


I'm ok with this being a fictional brother and sister thing. But I'm not sure about you people. I wanted to save the gifs since I like them and I was trying to think of maybe a story to go along with them, but I keep getting stuck on that text above that I saw with them on the post over on Tumblr.

I'm sure I can work with it, but as much as I say that I'm saving these things for myself, I'm very aware that others are seeing them and they don't have the mental kinks I do.

So I left this on my Tumblr for a over a week not wanting to delete it and not thinking I can post it here, but I posted a note, over there, saying that this blog is where I reflect me more than my Tumblr did. So if that is true, then this can be here.

I will never personally do this. I have no wish to personally do this. But thinking of fake family people in such situations does not put me off.

So, this is your notice so to speak. I may loose the last 4 viewers I have here, but considering this was a dead page before, I don't see a reason to care anymore. What I like I will post here for me. If you come across this page and like a few things great. If you don't, don't stay. You saw the warning on the way in.

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