Friday, April 26, 2019

Brain Storming... Kinda.


She was taught that her cunt was only for making babies, while her other two holes should be used as often as possible for her pleasure and the pleasure of others.

Which isn't as far fetched as it sounds.


Hear me out.

Granted we would have to change a ton load of things for this scenario to be possible on this planet, but lets say we did live on a rock where this was how it was done.

You only had vaginal sex to have a child. Real sex education would be taught in schools. And there was no stigma or shame attached to being something else other than straight. Since some people equate having anal sex with being gay.

BTW, Gay is for guys liking guys and Lesbian is for girls liking girls. Homosexual covers both. 

That would mean that more people would be practicing safe sex. There would be more people who didn't identify as purely straight. And love wouldn't come with the question of you being the "right" sex or not.

Small side note, since I brought up gay and lesbian. Some people don't really take lesbians seriously unless it's a guy who's being rejected by one. I didn't think that was the case until I stumbled across it somewhere.

The same guys who would never touch another guy because they are all 'manly' expect girls to get with girls so he can get off on it. But they don't really expect them to love each other.

I repeat. Odd.

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