Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Become a Patron!! 🎁🎁🎉

This is an email that I got today. I started to follow them years and years ago for their gay comics. Now they make gay role playing games / sims.


To be clear. I'm not telling you to became one of their Patrons, but you feel like you would want to, and didn't know they where out there, now you do. 

The Y Press Games Nwslttr

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Through the Y Press Games Patreon you can save up for some of the great rewards we offer during our crowdfunding!

Like right now, you could get early access to our Maelstrom game! Head over to our Patreon and pick a tier to start adding as little as $5 a month to!



Demo available


Maelstrom is still in production, but you can play the demo available on Steam! 

About the game: Disgraced soldier Demetri is exiled to Secren, a dangerous world devoid of women. Earthlings are smaller and weaker than the violent men of Secren. Demetri's only hope for survival is to bond with a strong mate who can love and protect him. 

The heterosexual Italian-American refuses to do that. He's not a homophobe, but he won't have gay sex to survive--or will he?



Let's go to the farm


I'm sure that you're tired of your city life, so you should rest on a farm… Full of hot guys! Enjoy Morningdew Farms with a lot of romance options (and explore the house bath), but don't forget to take care of your plantation!



Tacos time


Sometimes fighting against evil is very exhausting, don't you think? Maybe Chihuahua and Mister Versatile needs to relax for a bit… In all senses. I hope you think the same! Wanna find out how? Well, visit here.



And the last thing, one comic made by Extra Fabulous Comics



Don't forget to join us on Discord!!





I won't post emails often, but I think this is something I should be sharing to like minded people.