Thursday, March 28, 2019

Korra sketch

I recently found out that this couple is canon.

I thought it was just people coming up with things, but nope. Korra and Asami are a couple by the end of the last ep of the show. They didn’t show them as much as kissing, but they said that everything else was there. .. except touching and putting a name on it.

In their defence, they said they couldn’t put that, outright, on a kid’s show. I think they are just scared of the parents and not really looking out for the kids. I’m sure these same kids have seen men kissing men, girls kissing girls, boys kissing boys and women kissing women for years by the time they are able to fully understand and watch this show.

So this so happened after the last set of credits rolled on the last ep of the show. :) 

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