Thursday, March 28, 2019

A Gay Confession : My Two Cents

This is a touchy one.

Off the bat, I said it’s not rape if you enjoyed it. But it is rape, statutory rape, since you were under the age of consent. But then, so was he. So it goes back to not being rape if, like you said, you enjoyed it.

I would end it there, but anyone with a PHD in psych would then ask if you were pressured into doing the act(s) and if you were, then it’s still rape even though you ended up enjoying yourself.

People love to make things confusing.

So what does this boil down to?

Don’t pressure anyone to have sex with you. That’s a given.

Kids mess around with kids. A lot of people might be less uptight if they had.

Enjoy the memories if they are good for you. Don’t try to label everything.

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